The Strategy of a Coach

This week we have seen the beginning of the Rugby World Cup, and for all South Africans, it has been a bit of a disastrous start for the Springboks.

But let’s look at the SA – Japan game through a different lens: One team walked onto the field with enough experience and confidence to beat any team in the world, but the coach was ill-prepared, had not done their homework and did not have a good strategy.

The other team walked onto the field with the worst World Cup record, but the Coach who sat in the management box, had not only experience but a plan of action, execution and the confidence what he had mapped out would work.

And it did. The Japanese team took the Springboks to task. They out played, out tackled and out ran us. The Coaches plan was revealed in their clever plays and counter strategy for everything that the springboks had planned.

Even at half time, a time where a good coach has a chance to re-strategize based on the first half, the Springboks returned to the field with the same losing game plan and predictable moves.

The same applies to businesses. Each business, no matter how confident or experienced, needs a good solid, updated strategy. This strategy needs to be created together with an experienced coach or mentor. This coach needs to have the education, experience and ideas to counter the ever evolving markets and business conditions.

Just trying to do the same old, over and over in business, does not, and never will get different results. We are called to drive forward, counter any opposition and implement our creative strategies each and every day.

If you find yourself like a losing team, maybe it is time to find a better coach.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:20+02:00September 25th, 2015|General|0 Comments

EI introduces BoB (Bruce on Business)

BoB is the new YouTube series that EI has given birth to. This series is aimed at empowering both you and your business. On this series we are gonna have a number of interviews, a couple of interesting topics that will be of great help in growing your business and entrepreneurial  tips. We will also have a look at what’s in the business library – where Bruce will share a little bit of what he is currently reading.

This series is gonna be in an interactive set up where we will talk to and with you. It’d  really be great to hear from you after every topic. Your comments and views are very important. Please subscribe here and watch the series where we help you grow your business.



By |2016-11-01T10:20:21+02:00September 18th, 2015|General|0 Comments

What does the shape of your logo say about your brand?

We all know that a logo is the trademark that represents and identifies your brand.  It is probably the first thing your customers think of when it comes to identifying your brand. Logo design is a true art – from the colour to shape. A good logo should stir up some emotions in a client. It should infer particular qualities about your brand. Shapes

Now let’s look at the shape of your logo, what does it say about your brand? Straight lines, circles, curves, triangles, squares, all imply different meanings.

Circles, rings & ovals – circles have an implication of community, unity, friendship, relationship, a sense of belonging. Rings give an implication of marriage and partnership.

Triangles & squares – mean stability and can also be used to imply balance.

Lines – Vertical lines are associated with masculinity and strength. While horizontal lines suggest community, tranquillity and calm.

Rounded letters, jagged and angular typefaces – give a dynamic, soft and youthful appeal.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:21+02:00September 17th, 2015|General|0 Comments

How fonts affect your brand.

FontsDid you ever think that choosing a font for your brand could be of such huge importance?

Well, just like colour, the type of font you use on your brand says a lot about it.

Font selection plays an important role in sending the right message in a brand or logo design. It is for this very reason important to invest a lot in selecting an appropriate font when designing a logo.

Your logo, right from the font, the colour and shape, should provide an immediate sense of what your company is all about.

When selecting a font, ensure that all parties working with that brand adhere to predefined standards and styling conventions of your brand. If the logo design has a mismatching font, then it is a disaster.

Different fonts work best for different businesses, because every company is unique. For example, a logo for a legal firm, which should convey honorability, strength and justice, might best be represented in a bold, straightforward font free of flourish, whereas a candy shop might opt for a spontaneous font that communicates youth, sweetness and fun. Similarly, an art store can’t have a quiet and boring font.

Each brand stands for something unique. It has its own personality. A font has the ability to deliver the brand identity beyond the literal sense.

Here is three things to look at when selecting a font:

Legibility – Any text information presented should be easy to read. A font that is too difficult to grasp can make your logo less legible. The right font can deliver the message with clarity.

Originality – Originality in your logo is very important. Choosing an overused font style will make your logo look repetitive and therefore it will lack the uniqueness in it.

Flexibility – Your font should look good on all the channels it is used. It should look good both on paper and a computer screen. It should be recognisable in any type of print medium.

Fonts really do matter; they can influence the persuasion and perception of a customer or client.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:21+02:00September 10th, 2015|General|0 Comments

Meet Stephanie Tanny – Our speaker on today’s Lunch ‘n Learn

Stephanie TannyThe highly-rated Stephanie Tanny, who hails from Colorado in the USA, was today’s speaker at EI’s Lunch ‘n Learn programme.

Stephan is a phenomenal woman who is a Life and Business Coach. She works with individuals across the world helping them realise their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives.

Stephanie’s journey towards international acclaim started when she became part of The White House Leadership programme in 2012.

Since then, she has appeared live on C-SPAN and shared the stage with public figures such as President Bill Clinton and John Oliver from The Daily Show.

Stephanie is currently in South Africa on business, and was thrilled when she got the invitation to come and speak at the Lunch ‘n Learn. She shared with participants about ‘The Full Spectrum of Wealth’, which are Vocation, Health, Relationships and Time & Money freedom.

She believes that connecting people with similar experiences will only energise you because our work is all interconnected.

Her motto in life is “You deserve to live a life you truly love”! Check out her website to keep up with her!


By |2016-11-01T10:20:22+02:00September 9th, 2015|General|0 Comments

Do values based Businesses win the race?

ValuesWhen we speak of the value of a business, people are often drawn to the balance sheet or income statement. But this bottom line does not always reflect the true health of a business. We also need to look at the Values within a business to fully understand the inner workings of the systems.

Every business has a number of value systems that when combined deliver a joint view to the customer and the rest of the world.

Perceived Values: These are the values derived by the marketing department that paint the brand with all the right colours – The well word-smithed copy and clever images that show only the good side of any business. All awards and achievements are highlighted and to anyone on the outside looking in will be impressed.

Owner’s Values: The value system of the owner, CEO and directors has a huge role to play in how the business operates. The system is only as good as the people who steer it. Far too often we get to hear instructions similar to this, “Do as I say, don’t do as I do”. This often used by crooked directors who are misusing money and people for their own gain, but will clamp down on any underling who does the same. Big corporate and Government are well known for this, but we get to see it at all levels of business.

Staff Values: the values that the staff operates by. This is partially as a result of training, communication and a big chunk of self realised values. Having a good team building events and open door policies help, but the staff will always create a secondary set of values that they live by, often which mimics the directors. They learn how to ‘crook’ the system and duck and dive around the perceived values and not get caught.

Running a business is not easy; we are pulled in many directions for short term gain and underhanded deals on a daily basis. But a wholesome business remains firm and focused and true to their vision, mission and values. It may seem slow and painful, but this is one case where slow and steady wins the race.

We encourage businesses to define their values, regularly communicate these with all staff and suppliers and even customers, and then there is no doubt where they stand and make it harder to be pulled off track.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:22+02:00September 7th, 2015|General|0 Comments

Innovation Showcase at CPUT

Today I visited the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) first Innovation Showcase. The event held at the Bellville campus in Cape Town is the result of a number of years of work by Prof Gary Atkinson-Hope and Chris Lombard.

Exhibiting at the showcase were 38 projects run by both students and staff across the two CPUT campuses. Three projects caught my eye and I got to chat with the students involved in their development.

LumonsThe Lumons is a set of three lights that are remotely charged whilst on their styled wooden stand and can then be carried around the home or office at night during load shedding. There is zero risk of fire or electrocution, and this product looks like it belongs in a style magazine for upmarket homes.Snugpack

The second product is one of those that we only realise we need when it is too late to invent it. The Snugpack is a small portable bag that fits over your backpack and gives you a safe and secure time to catch a nap during long trips, airport layovers. The team behind this product has turned experienced pain into a profitable and very clever product.

Straight-Out-Of-CameraThe third product is one that gave me that “Why didn’t I think of this” feeling. The portable photogrphy studio named the SOOC (Straight-Out-Of-Camera) offers the photographer a very high spec portable light box with LED lights and infinity screen for staging and photographing small to medium items.

Other products of interest were the Dryway, a clever folding clothes dryer. The Pivot offering a clever way to keep your keys safe and secure. And finally the TBT or The Braai Tool a clever well engineered braai tool that is sure to put a smile on every man’s face at the next national braai day.

Well done to all the students and staff of CPUT for their innovations, imaginations and development efforts. The state of our young minds in South Africa is encouraging.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:23+02:00August 6th, 2015|General, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mile Stones in Life

milestoneSometimes we live with purpose, but most times we just exist. The cogs of the world and our daily lives turn slowly together grinding out a mere existence. We look forward to Fridays, pay day and that week or two of annual leave that keeps us motivated to get through the rest. But what sort of life is this?

Life outside the realm of existence gives way to unfathomable achievement, goals and a purpose greater than one’s self. The sense of being able to contribute to the greater good of others has to be the driving force of so many visions and missions for so many people.

All these are broken down to simple goals and mile stones. Milestones derive from those small rocks that were placed outside a town or city marking each mile until you arrived. A sort of countdown to the city gates and safety, each mile you travelled was a mile closer to your goal. Similarly your life’s mile stones should be identified and celebrated when achieved.

With a purpose drive existence we are able to drive not only ourselves but those around us through those darker days and onto new levels of accomplishment.

I am grateful for so many people in my life who have stood by me in days when it all seemed over and done. Those who called and visited when they were not welcome, but still they came to support and encourage. Now today, I have the honour of being there for others to do the same and high-five our achievements and celebrate life.

Today on this 15-05-15 day, I graduate to the second 50 years of my life and do so with such joy and excitement for the next 50 that I can barely contain myself. Life is good and can be lived with more than an existence mentality. Join me in a big high-five for yourself and for our futures together.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:25+02:00May 15th, 2015|General|0 Comments

Isnt Sport just a Game

After the defeat of the SA cricket team yesterday by New Zealand in a match that will go down in history as one of the most exciting ODIs ever, we as a nation have had time to reflect.

SA CricketThe emotions attached to sport in our country have always been high, our economy, family relationships, markets and personal well being seems to hang in the balance each time our national team take to a field. I too used to be tied up into this emotional game. Whenever the Springboks lost, I fell into the traditional 3 days of depression that affected my family work and personal mood.

But why do we side with any team and then base our emotions on the results of people we have very little influence over? What makes us choose one team over another and then give our heart and soul to their brand?

Is not sport a form of entertainment for our enjoyment? Do we not pay to watch it and attend games? Surely they then play for our entertainment and not for our loyalty?

See, I do not get this sport thing, where two teams take to the field and one has to lose in order for the other to win. If it is for our, the spectator’s entertainment, why not find a way to better enhance this and allow all of the players and fans to walk away thrilled by the skill and spectacle of the game? To pay to attend a game, only to leave feeling frustrated and sad, just seems wrong. Or am I getting this whole thing upside down?

Colin Hall in his course on personal energy shares about his experience when he observed a couple playing beach bats. Colin explains that this sport is one of only two games where both sides can only win if the other player also wins. Think about that for a moment.

Could this formula be implemented into the game of all sports? What about the game of life? Could we strive to only engage in dealings where we all won and no one would ever lose, but be encouraged and uplifted by the other in order to conclude a game or business deal?

Food for thought I think.

By the way, we wish the remaining team sin the Cricket World cup all the success in the last few games. May we all win together.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:26+02:00March 25th, 2015|General|0 Comments

E Bear makes his return

E-Bear has finally made his return to the business. After his initial adventures,detailed on his own Blog, he will merge his future journeys and adventures here to be told as part of the whole EI story.
We look forward to having him share pics with our clients, guests and famous people.
Could this become the newest form of appreciation for Entrepreneurs?

New Picture (8)

E Bear visited the Shanduka Black Umbrellas Entrepreneurship workshop today.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:32+02:00July 11th, 2014|EI Clients, General|0 Comments
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