milestoneSometimes we live with purpose, but most times we just exist. The cogs of the world and our daily lives turn slowly together grinding out a mere existence. We look forward to Fridays, pay day and that week or two of annual leave that keeps us motivated to get through the rest. But what sort of life is this?

Life outside the realm of existence gives way to unfathomable achievement, goals and a purpose greater than one’s self. The sense of being able to contribute to the greater good of others has to be the driving force of so many visions and missions for so many people.

All these are broken down to simple goals and mile stones. Milestones derive from those small rocks that were placed outside a town or city marking each mile until you arrived. A sort of countdown to the city gates and safety, each mile you travelled was a mile closer to your goal. Similarly your life’s mile stones should be identified and celebrated when achieved.

With a purpose drive existence we are able to drive not only ourselves but those around us through those darker days and onto new levels of accomplishment.

I am grateful for so many people in my life who have stood by me in days when it all seemed over and done. Those who called and visited when they were not welcome, but still they came to support and encourage. Now today, I have the honour of being there for others to do the same and high-five our achievements and celebrate life.

Today on this 15-05-15 day, I graduate to the second 50 years of my life and do so with such joy and excitement for the next 50 that I can barely contain myself. Life is good and can be lived with more than an existence mentality. Join me in a big high-five for yourself and for our futures together.