How Do You Score out of 12?
Developing a principle-based business is easier on paper than it is in practice. Each and everyday business leaders will be challenged to push the boundaries on their principles, both personal and business. For some, this is not an issue, but for those of us who have clear and firm boundaries on how we wish to run things, it is a constant challenge.
1. Whatever you do in word or deed, do it for God
2. Do all things without complaining and disputing
3. Be humble
4. Watch what you say
5. Keep learning
6. Guard your integrity
7. Work hard
8. Seek good counsel
9. Honour God with your wealth
10. Show mercy and be gracious
11. Control your anger
12. Don’t fear people
There were a number of additions to this list once we began to discuss our own lives and businesses, but these are a good start to help define an initial culture of authentic business practices.