The Laws of Extreme Business Success

The Laws of Extreme Business SuccessIn his book The Laws of Extreme Business Success, Carl Bates writes about the 12 laws that any small ‘craft’ business needs to abide by in order to develop into a sustainable income generating business enterprise. This type of business no longer needs to rely on the owner as the primary source of income or wisdom to be sustainable. So what are these laws and how can they be implemented into your business? We will unpack these over the next few weeks and give you our insight into each law.

To get you started, here are the laws Carl refers to:

  • Law one: The law of extreme ego
  • Law two: The law of the shareholder wealth creation
  • Law three: The law of continuous learning
  • Law four: The law of family
  • Law five: The law of business as a game
  • Law six: The law of rhythm
  • Law seven: The law of effective teams
  • Law eight: The law of the three hats.
  • Law nine: The law of vision
  • Law ten: The law of leadership
  • Law eleven: The law of transactional giving
  • Law twelve: The law of resolution

This book and others from Carl Bates are available here

By |2016-11-01T10:20:24+02:00June 15th, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

4 Key Words: Convergence

Entrepreneur Key wordsIn this series, we are looking at the key words that define a successful sustainable business. The fifth word is Convergence. This is defined as: When a number of seemly random event come together to open up a window of opportunity. Now you may have picked up that this if word 5 in a series called 4 Key Words. I have added this word here because it is the collective word that binds all the 4 together. We can operate in business for years and focus on any of the 4 key words and never see any sort of growth or sustainability. It requires Convergence. This is also not something that you can make happen. Sure you can leverage opportunity and market events but true convergence is when things come together to create that golden window that we need to be ready for.

Being ready for convergence is like brushing your teach constantly all day just in case a pretty girl wants to kiss you, it can drive you insane. Or it can be just having that inner confidence in what you have done that will get you through the day. I have always been an advocate of planning for the un-planable. Being ready to seize the moment; then going out to look for those moments.

Be prepared with all that you may need to jump at an opportunity. Have the template of a proposal done, have marketing material, do the costings, have business cards on you at all times. Practice your unprepared speech, learn how to greet people in different cultures, keep a tie and jacket in your car, always fill up your car when it is ¾ empty, be prepared, success could be just around the corner.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:26+02:00March 18th, 2015|Business Resources|0 Comments

4 Key Words: Leverage

Entrepreneur Key wordsIn this series, we are looking at the key words that define a successful sustainable business. The forth word is Leverage. This is defined as: The power or ability to act or to influence people, events or decisions to gain higher return.

Having and using the tools to leverage has been for too long seen as a negative aspect. We see leverage done in politics to the point of blackmail. We see relationships leveraged to the point of duty and even kids on the playground using an invitation to their birthday as leverage to gain friends or a bite from other kid’s lunch.

Leverage is and should be a positive aspect of doing business. Get to know your tools, network and strengths of a relationship and then use them to build your business. But remember to always seek the win-win result or no-deal. Whenever you just use someone, it is never a positive outcome.

Leverage in a business needs to be applied to the following

  •  Products
  • People
  • Places
  • Processes
  • Personal

Leverage is also instrumental when understanding the benefits of your product or service. Wedging those benefits into the market and leveraging small cracks open to gain access. This is the key to business development, especially when starting out with a new product.

Take a look at your business today and look for the strengths and benefits you offer, then go out and use these in a positive way to gain ground in the market, this is leverage.

The leverage formula from the business board game looks like this

Leads X Conversion Rate = Customers X Transactions X Average Price = Turnover x Margin = Profits

By |2016-11-01T10:20:26+02:00March 16th, 2015|Business Resources|0 Comments

4 Key Words: Convenience

Entrepreneur Key wordsIn this series, we are looking at the key words that define a successful sustainable business. The third word is Convenience. This is defined as: Anything that saves or simplifies work or adds to one’s ease or comfort.

It is a given that if you offer a product or service that reduces someone’s pain or frustration, it will be a hit. But yet so many people have businesses running that have customers fuming and having to tolerate poor service, crappy products and zero customer attention. Just adding a smile to the hospitality industry will put you in the top 10% of business.

Take a good look at what you do and how it is done and find ways to add convenience to your services. Remove the pain from those who pay your salary, your customers, and they will keep coming back.

If you are unsure of how to do this, ask them. A simple two question survey will give you huge insight into what you can improve:

  1. Please rate our product/service out of 10
  2. Now what would make it a 10?

The answer to the second question is where your effort needs to be focused. Implement the requests into your business that the customer will rate you as a 10 for. This is convenience and just great customer service.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:26+02:00March 13th, 2015|Business Resources|0 Comments

4 Key Words: Collaboration

Entrepreneur Key wordsIn this series, we are looking at the key words that define a successful sustainable business. The second word is Collaboration. This is defined as: To work with one with another in a cooperative manner. We have been created to work with each other, never alone. We each have unique strengths and abilities that when united with others create compounded exponential results.

Too many small business owners think that they need to do all the work themselves. This results in long hours of frustration and often poor quality. Why do we insist on doing things that we are not equipped to do. All that results from this is us doing a poor job that makes us look bad.

A strategy I insist on is writing out lists for both our staff and clients. Two lists are critical: first define what you are good at and second, what you are bad at. Once you have these two lists, we all need to focus on doing the stuff on the good list and avoid doing anything on the bad list. When you find yourself doing something that you do poorly and get frustrated: STOP. Work out why. If there is someone you know who can do a better job, pick up the phone and call them. Collaborate is different from delegate. To delegate, the person often has very little choice in the matter. Collaborate requires cooperation, a joining together for common good and exponential results.

In your teams, partners and business structures, learn to work with each other as you complement the areas of weakness in others with your strengths. Never judge others based on their weakness, if they share this, it is an opportunity to add value to their lives, not exploit it for your own good. As we learn to work together and complement each other, our world becomes a better place, and we find value in our contribution.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:27+02:00March 11th, 2015|Business Resources|0 Comments

4 Key Words: Innovation

Entrepreneur Key wordsIn this series, we are looking at the key words that define a successful sustainable business. The first word is Innovation. This is defined as: Something new or different product or method introduced. Innovation does not always require you to be a techno-boff and discover a new formula or algorithm. It could be you doing an everyday thing in a new way.

But how do we identify where to be innovative? Simple: Look at the pain and anger in the world, then create a solution for the people who live in that cycle of ever increasing pain. Solving everyday problems requires that you look at the solutions before you look at the problem. This is innovation, dare to be different, start your day with a clean page and begin to design and map out your next product. Do not be hemmed in by the restriction of current beliefs or technology, stretch your mind, body and soul until you have found innovation. Then share it with the rest of the world. Once again, it does not need to be a space station or solve world hunger; even the smallest things can be innovative. Paper clips, buttonhole repair kits, chewing gum disposer, coin sorter. All these are small yet great to have on hand each day to remove the pain in our lives.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:28+02:00March 9th, 2015|Business Resources|0 Comments

Where will you be in 12 Months?

The beginning of a year allows us the time to pause, plan and proceed into the next 12 months. Too often we set huge expectations on ourselves, often shared around the dinner table at some party, where we promise to exercise more, eat less and sort out our finances. But this rarely ever translates into any form of action or progress.

So If I had to ask you this: Where do you expect to be in 12 months from now? What would your answer truly be?  Could you say with any level of certainty that your would have moved forward in your life goals and be better off?

Watch this sort video to get some inspiration on setting yourself up for the next year.

Share with us some of your main goals for 2015. I dare you….

By |2016-11-01T10:20:29+02:00January 5th, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Disambiguation Strategies

The issue of being stuck in a rut is often the cause of confusion and lack of development for both individuals and businesses. Striving for clarity in this fog of confusion requires a set of disambiguation strategies that will lead you into the clear sky and back on track to progress. So what are some of these strategies that you can employ

One: Do something different to get a different result. Change something in your routine or how you are working. Do not implement wholesale changes, this will only get you more in trouble. Change one thing at a time and then look for results. These changes can range from simple activities like moving your desk around, change that way you travel to work, have a new hair cut. Often small simple physical changes will help trigger change in behaviour and thinking.

Two: Share with someone who cares. Sharing your situation with someone is just good therapy. We don’t necessarily need to pay huge bills for a therapist, just a friend or family member will do.  If it is a business issue then a coach or mentor may be able to shed some light on the situation for you by asking the right questions.

Three: Write things down. This simple effective activity allows our brains to place things in order. One of the common strategies amongst successful people is journaling. Taking time each day just to jot down things in a journal helps retrofit ideas into strategies. You could also just write a letter or email to someone sharing the situation, again sharing is therapy, even with yourself.

Four: Using one of the many thinking tools that are available. Mind mapping is one that has been great for me for many years. The simple exercise of mapping out a situation or new ideas gives clarity as the map develops. New online apps make this a very simple effective way to think in pictures linked to the way our brains work.

Five: Hire a consultant. This is often the first course of action for corporate and government, but could be costly for smaller businesses. But consultants have their place in a situation that requires specialist thinking and situations. If you are moving into areas that will find you way out of your depth in expertise, then the consultant route is the way to go.

Just some simple ways to work your way out from an ambiguous situation to clarity.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:30+02:00September 9th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to beat the odds of failure in business?

What if there was a cheat code for starting a business. All you needed to do was enter the code A43F6T48 into your phone app and you instantly became invincible and financially enabled. Then you could launch whatever business idea you have.

Seems unlikely in the real world, but are there ways to beat the odds of start up failure. With up to 80% failure rate of small emerging businesses in South Africa, it is still a wonder why we see so many new registered businesses each month. Your odds of winning at the Lotto seem almost better and a whole lot cheaper.

New Picture (12)

But there are stats that depict a reversal of these odds with up to an 80% success rate for businesses who participate in a good quality Incubator. A successful Incubator with a solid methodology for business development accompanied by experienced start up coaches and a network of associated practitioners who will guide and lead you to the right places towards success.

If there were such places, why do so many people still risk the odds of trying to go it alone and beat the system? Maybe for the same reason that there are long queues at the Lotto each week, or hundreds of people at the casinos each evening. The faintest of hope drives people to play the odds and try to win, knowing deep down that it is almost impossible.

But beat the odds we do. Here at the Entrepreneur Incubator and Academy we have a very well versed plan of action to start any business. Our Steps to Success guides our clients together with solid coaching and mentoring along a road that will ask all the required questions to lead to points of Viability through Feasibility to Sustainability. Each step is equipped with Go/No Go scenarios and we will never waste time trying to pursue an idea or product that does not match up to the rules. This assists in failing fast and not wasting time, energy and money in the process.

Actually come to think of it, there is a cheat code to business success. It is simply and email to to book your first session. We look forward to your success.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:31+02:00September 2nd, 2014|Business Resources, EI Clients, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments
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