It is really interesting that in championships like the Rugby World Cup, so many teams arrive to participate, and all f them except one, have to go away losers. it’s not quite fair, is it? Of course for the winning team it is alright, but what about the loosing teams?

Do they ever get a chance to reconcile with their emotions, management or fans, to understand what went wrong? In instances like this it is natural for the fans to point fingers and blame. they blame the referee, the coach and sometimes the weather.It is always nice to blame other people for the failures we encounter, because it makes us feel validated in our misery or anger.

So how does that relate to business? do you ever take time to analyse both your failures and victories in business? Do you spend some time in a postmortem discussion, understanding the things that went right in your business, so you can do more of those and the things that went wrong, so you can do less of them.