To simply FAF, Fire and Forget a missile require a lot of confidence in your product, technology and targeting system. Missiles that use this technology today are expensive and only used when other methods are not viable.

But in marketing, this method of Fire and Forget is not only the best method, but the cheapest as well. A well established network of happy customers, appointed Brand Champions and solid referral strategy will see your marketing develop from strength to strength. Here are some simple, yet effective FAF strategies for your business:

  • Develop a team of Brand Champions who will assist in marketing to potential customers that you do not have direct           access to.
  • Develop a strategy to gain referrals from others. This can be done through your current customer base as well as        through networking organisations such as BNI.
  • Develop a number of Affiliate programmes into your business. This is normally done using other businesses that you refer to or recommend and in doing so earn an income.
  • Develop a number of online forms, landing pages and links that will automatically direct customers to the place ofpurchase. This requires some planning in design, but once done well, will give you a constant stream of income.
  • Converting some of your wisdom or products to video or into a book, will develop alternate income streams into yourbusiness. There are a number of online platforms that will host your training materiel or eBooks and send you money            each month for sales achieved.

This is just some of the strategies we use for ourselves and our clients. Fire and Forget, with confidence and guaranteed results time and time again. Take time to develop these into your business for a more focused strategy to developing a diverse  array of income streams.