This week we will publish a social media tip each day to assist you in developing a more focused strategy for your business using low cost ideas that work.Today’s strategy is simple: get online. So many of our clients have not yet gotten themselves or their business online. Here is a short list of must haves for any small business owner and their business:

Get a personal FaceBook profile Click here

Get and complete a LinkedIn profile Click here

Register your company domain name: Click here

Put up a website and a blog for your business Click here

Register a FaceBook Business Page, set this up with a logo, header banner and business info Click here

Register a business Twitter account, add your business info and a logoClick here

Get a business Gmail account. This is not for receiving mail but gives you access to all the Google tools and platforms though a single access point, more on this later in the week Click here

Register a Youtube account and set it up with a channel banner and info Click here

Enough now? These will form the basics for what we will share later this week. These we see as the essential requirements to start getting your business and personal profile out into the web and to attract new customers.