Knowing what you are equipped to do in life makes it a lot easier to map out your future. Today there are so many books, tools and tricks that claim to know the secret of success, but in reality they are just stories of what other people have done TO BECOME RICH and they expect you to follow their steps to do the same.
But it becomes evident very quickly that their life, talents and opportunities are VERY DIFFERENT to our own and soon we are worse off than when we began. The actual secret in life is to understand who, what and why you are, then go out a do something about it. John Maxwell says “Find out what you do well, and do nothing else”. At first this may sound strange and even contradictory to what we think to be true, but if you are able to understand what it is that you have been equipped to do and what you enjoy doing, then doing this will not only bring pleasure but profits as well. Why do things that you do not enjoy and do poorly, who in their right mind would pay you to do those things?
One of the best used tools in the market today is the Gallup’s Strength Finder. This short assessment provides you with your top 5 Strength Themes, from a selection of 36. This insightful assessment, when unpacked and discussed gives you a full overview of who you are, what you are good at and how you should manage your life at both WORK AND play.
The book “Now Discover Your Strengths” is available at all leading book stores and online. This will give you an overview of the process and an access code to do the online assessment. But I would encourage you to do this in conjunction with an experienced coach who could walk you through the results and discuss the various results and OPTIONS with you.
The Entrepreneur Incubator offers this service for just R500, including THE PRICE of the book , assessment and written report and follow up discussion. If you are interested then please email us here to book AN APPOINTMENT .