5 ways to make customers eat out of your hand: Part 3

Here is part 3 of the excellent customer service skills you must have to have your clients eat out of your hand.



1. Have time management skills

Managing your time properly as a customer service representative can ultimately mean the difference between falling behind in minimum calls required and excelling in the position you are holding.

2. Know your organization

Interacting with your colleagues and being friendly with them will help you if you ever face complex problems. The more people you get to know in your organization the easier it is to work together to ensure that customers are satisfied.

3. Be friendly and compassionate 

Your friendly and caring attitude will surely help in creating the right atmosphere for coming to the best solutions.

4. Be a leader 

Showing that you are capable of providing new solutions fir customers proves your leadership skills and increases your professionalism.

5. Learn from mistakes 

Taking time to reflect on any mistakes you have made is a way for you to gain insight in to how to properly manage customers and effectively communicate at all times.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:15+02:00December 11th, 2015|Business Resources|0 Comments

5 ways to make customers eat out of your hand: Part 1

imagesCustomer satisfaction is very important in any kind of business. The success of your business depends not only on your hard work, but on the satisfaction the customers. Their satisfaction is the best indicator of how likely they are gonna be loyal to you and will make a purchase in the future.

Hang around with us as we share with you a five-part-series on skills you must have in order to have an excellent customer service. Having all these skills will surely make your customers eat out of the palm of your hand.

1. Be a good listener
Listen intently. Ask questions and summarize the answer of your customer. This will surely show that you care and want to offer the right solution.

2.Have great communication skills
Learn how to effectively communicate with your clients. Know when to listen, when to speak and how to speak. I will make the communication process much simpler any time you talk with a customer.

3. Be calm and patient
Try to manage your emotions and stay calm. This will help to deal with disgruntled and confused customers. When you are calm your customer will feel more respected.

4. Keep your promises
Develop the ability to manage expectations of customer complaints. Stay up-to-date with company policies to ensure that any promise you make for a customer can be delivered.

5. Be honest
Being honest and transparent with your customers proves that you truly care about their happiness and satisfaction.

Develop this skills to excel in any customer service position, regardless of your responsibility, your industry or type of customer you are working with every day.

We will be sharing more on this topic for the next few Fridays, so stay tuned as we continue to learn together.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:16+02:00November 27th, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Global Entrepreneurship Week: Workshop 3

Cool Marketing tools for your business.

In the third workshop of today’s snappy workshops series about Social Media, we have looked into the various tools that you can use to market your business.

All these tools do the work  that you want in one marketing task, every day. The attendees learned on how to get these tools to work for you and your business while you spend less time  a day on one simple marketing task that will bring the work you want.

Below are some of the tools we talked about:



By |2016-11-01T10:20:17+02:00November 17th, 2015|Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Missile Marketing 5: FAF

To simply FAF, Fire and Forget a missile require a lot of confidence in your product, technology and targeting system. Missiles that use this technology today are expensive and only used when other methods are not viable.

But in marketing, this method of Fire and Forget is not only the best method, but the cheapest as well. A well established network of happy customers, appointed Brand Champions and solid referral strategy will see your marketing develop from strength to strength. Here are some simple, yet effective FAF strategies for your business:

  • Develop a team of Brand Champions who will assist in marketing to potential customers that you do not have direct           access to.
  • Develop a strategy to gain referrals from others. This can be done through your current customer base as well as        through networking organisations such as BNI.
  • Develop a number of Affiliate programmes into your business. This is normally done using other businesses that you refer to or recommend and in doing so earn an income.
  • Develop a number of online forms, landing pages and links that will automatically direct customers to the place ofpurchase. This requires some planning in design, but once done well, will give you a constant stream of income.
  • Converting some of your wisdom or products to video or into a book, will develop alternate income streams into yourbusiness. There are a number of online platforms that will host your training materiel or eBooks and send you money            each month for sales achieved.

This is just some of the strategies we use for ourselves and our clients. Fire and Forget, with confidence and guaranteed results time and time again. Take time to develop these into your business for a more focused strategy to developing a diverse  array of income streams.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:32+02:00August 4th, 2014|Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Missile Marketing 4: SACLOS

We have chatted about HOPE and MCLOS as ways to run your marketing strategies, but there is a more advanced technology used to fire missiles. Called SACLOS, Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight. This allows the target to be loaded into some form of guidance system and then only minor adjustments are required to hit the bulls-eye.

Seen in military using wire connected torpedoes or guidance missiles led to their target using laser painted targeting systems. The outcome is much better than manual targeting or hope. But still requires some manual processes.

As example marketing online using Pay-per-click on FaceBook or Google. You can set up your desired target audience ahead of time and then start your campaign. It runs well, but may require some minor adjustments as it progresses.

This is also seen in live marketing such as Expos, talks or 1-on-1 marketing. A set structure is designed ahead of time and then may be adjusted according to the audience you are delivering to.

Effective and better than others discussed but still requires manual input and some form of intellectual strategy to get the best results.

But is there a better way? Could it be possible to Fire and Forget and know that you will hit your target. More on this in our next post.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:32+02:00August 1st, 2014|Entrepreneurship, Marketing|0 Comments

Missile Marketing 3: MCLOS

Being able to manually control a missile to its target has proved to be a huge advantage in the battle field. Looking at the current unrest in the Middle East, we see onside using ‘hope’ rockets just firing in the general direction of a target and the other side using technology where the missile is directed towards a specific building or vehicle. The outcomes are obvious. Once side has a much better success rate and far less collateral damage in the process.

What about your marketing. Can you use MCLOS technology in your campaigns. MCLOS stands for Manual Command to Line Of Sight. Giving you manual control of your marketing as it happens. This allows for minor changes in strategy and direction as your campaigns evolves.

This would exclude any form of printed advert in a newspaper or phone book with very little room for manoeuvre during its life span. It may be able to include handing out of flyers to the right type of people at the right time. Or it could include running online campaigns that you can adjust as you see things change.

But all these, as great as they are, require you to be in control and direct things as they change. It is expensive as well as time consuming. MCLOS requires hands on deck and a real understanding of your market, but gives you the ability to change and adjust as you go along.

Think for a moment how you could add a manual adjustment to your marketing campaigns that you are currently running or will run in the near future and implement this MCLOS strategy. But is there a better way? More in our next post.

By |2014-07-30T15:18:07+02:00July 30th, 2014|Entrepreneurship, Marketing|0 Comments

Small Business Growth Conference

New Picture (2)

Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs are invited to the Small Business Growth Conference in Sandton on 20 November  a one day conference designed to inform entrepreneurs on how best to effectively grow your business.

Win one of two delegate tickets valued at R1 850 pp EX VAT.

By entering, you automatically qualify to receive 50% off when purchasing tickets, should you not win 1 of the prizes on offer. Enter the competition by clicking here.

Everyones a winner!

Competition closes on 8th November 2013.

For exhibition stand prices and branding opportunities, click Sponsorship Prospectus

By |2016-11-01T10:20:40+02:00October 28th, 2013|Business Resources, EI Clients, Marketing|0 Comments

Online Entrepreneurial Education at a Discount

Online education is fast becoming one of the most used tools for up-skilling of business owners and staff. The amount of available platforms has seen a huge uptake in this field of personal development.

Online education allows you to attend lectures at your own time, complete assignments in the comfort of your own space and interact with other students and lecturers with any queries or issues.

We at Entrepreneur Incubator have been hard at work converting our well used tools and tips that have helped hundreds of Entrepreneurs to improve their businesses into online courses. These are now available online at Udemy.

As a gift to you and to help you get into the habit of learning we have listed 5 courses below together with a coupon code that will give you access to this material for up to 60% less than the current going rate. This gives you access to all the video lectures, notes and quizzes for a lifetime. Can’t find fault with this.

Please select any or all of the courses below, follow the link to the site, register if you have not yet done so and begin to learn. The site also have many hundreds of other courses (some free) that will help up skill both you and your staff.

  1. Defining your Entrepreneurial Personality Profile
  2. Defining your Business for Success
  3. What makes a good business idea great?
  4. Develop Sales Funnels for your Business
  5. Develop a Marketing Strategy for your Business


By |2016-11-01T10:20:42+02:00August 27th, 2013|EI Clients, Entrepreneurship, Marketing|0 Comments

Creating videos for your business

Did you know that YouTube is the second most used search engine on the web? Creating videos for your business could and should be one of the most critical marketing channels that you can be involved in as a business owner.

Making videos is not always the expensive and technical challenge that you may think it is. A simple set of short videos is easy to compile and will put your brand in front of the world in a visual and creative way.

Here are some examples of the types of videos that you can compile for your business;

A short interview with the business owner or customers talking about the benefits of your products

Using a number of still photos, create a collage of your offerings. This done to music or a voice over is always a great way to promote your brand

Instructional video for the safe use of your product to enhance the customer experience

Promotional video to show case an event of upcoming competition

Demonstration or product reviews

I trust that this has given you some enthusiasm to start your business videos. For some examples of what we have done drop by our FaceBook page here.

If you need any assistance, advice or guidance with these, please do not hesitate for a moment to contact myself and we will talk you through some of the issues you may have.

Get those marketing juices and lenses (or cell phones) focused.

By |2013-05-03T07:33:06+02:00May 3rd, 2013|EI Videos, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Reducing business to simple words

Reducing what business is all about is what we are all about. It is a total waste of time expecting busy business owners to have to attend long tedious lectures, complete home work assignments, read case studies and then still expect them to find time to apply learnings back in to their own organisation.

So here is a short video of the top most important words in business. You may be surprised to not find words such as Profit, Customers and Marketing. Enjoy

By |2016-11-01T10:20:45+02:00March 4th, 2013|EI Videos, Entrepreneurship, Marketing|0 Comments
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