Elgin Free Range Chicken

Jeanne Groenewald started her business on her farm, because she wanted to eat good tasting chicken. Her friends also wanted some, so she grew more chickens. Today Elgin Free Range Chickens process over 80 000 chickens a week having grown her back yard venture into a world class business. Recognized by the Western Cape Premier, Helen Zille as her choice of Entrepreneur of the Year 2014, Jeanne has displayed the true spirit of a community based entrepreneurial business.

We tracked her down from her busy schedule to come chat to us about how it all began and what her success factors are in developing a successful business.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:29+02:00January 6th, 2015|Entrepreneurship, Leadership|0 Comments

Disambiguation Strategies

The issue of being stuck in a rut is often the cause of confusion and lack of development for both individuals and businesses. Striving for clarity in this fog of confusion requires a set of disambiguation strategies that will lead you into the clear sky and back on track to progress. So what are some of these strategies that you can employ

One: Do something different to get a different result. Change something in your routine or how you are working. Do not implement wholesale changes, this will only get you more in trouble. Change one thing at a time and then look for results. These changes can range from simple activities like moving your desk around, change that way you travel to work, have a new hair cut. Often small simple physical changes will help trigger change in behaviour and thinking.

Two: Share with someone who cares. Sharing your situation with someone is just good therapy. We don’t necessarily need to pay huge bills for a therapist, just a friend or family member will do.  If it is a business issue then a coach or mentor may be able to shed some light on the situation for you by asking the right questions.

Three: Write things down. This simple effective activity allows our brains to place things in order. One of the common strategies amongst successful people is journaling. Taking time each day just to jot down things in a journal helps retrofit ideas into strategies. You could also just write a letter or email to someone sharing the situation, again sharing is therapy, even with yourself.

Four: Using one of the many thinking tools that are available. Mind mapping is one that has been great for me for many years. The simple exercise of mapping out a situation or new ideas gives clarity as the map develops. New online apps make this a very simple effective way to think in pictures linked to the way our brains work.

Five: Hire a consultant. This is often the first course of action for corporate and government, but could be costly for smaller businesses. But consultants have their place in a situation that requires specialist thinking and situations. If you are moving into areas that will find you way out of your depth in expertise, then the consultant route is the way to go.

Just some simple ways to work your way out from an ambiguous situation to clarity.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:30+02:00September 9th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to beat the odds of failure in business?

What if there was a cheat code for starting a business. All you needed to do was enter the code A43F6T48 into your phone app and you instantly became invincible and financially enabled. Then you could launch whatever business idea you have.

Seems unlikely in the real world, but are there ways to beat the odds of start up failure. With up to 80% failure rate of small emerging businesses in South Africa, it is still a wonder why we see so many new registered businesses each month. Your odds of winning at the Lotto seem almost better and a whole lot cheaper.

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But there are stats that depict a reversal of these odds with up to an 80% success rate for businesses who participate in a good quality Incubator. A successful Incubator with a solid methodology for business development accompanied by experienced start up coaches and a network of associated practitioners who will guide and lead you to the right places towards success.

If there were such places, why do so many people still risk the odds of trying to go it alone and beat the system? Maybe for the same reason that there are long queues at the Lotto each week, or hundreds of people at the casinos each evening. The faintest of hope drives people to play the odds and try to win, knowing deep down that it is almost impossible.

But beat the odds we do. Here at the Entrepreneur Incubator and Academy we have a very well versed plan of action to start any business. Our Steps to Success guides our clients together with solid coaching and mentoring along a road that will ask all the required questions to lead to points of Viability through Feasibility to Sustainability. Each step is equipped with Go/No Go scenarios and we will never waste time trying to pursue an idea or product that does not match up to the rules. This assists in failing fast and not wasting time, energy and money in the process.

Actually come to think of it, there is a cheat code to business success. It is simply and email to admin@ei.co.za to book your first session. We look forward to your success.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:31+02:00September 2nd, 2014|Business Resources, EI Clients, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Sales Techniques for Effective Entrepreneurs

Just last week we published our latest online course titled: ‘Sales Techniques for Effective Entrepreneurs’. This course has created such a buzz with 960 people signing up in the first 4 days. Our greatest launch to date.

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The course covers aspects of selling that are not normally covered in marketing workshops. We look at how to define your product, create a scripted sales pitch based on a defines sales funnel and the sales cycle. We chat about how to ask the right questions using the right content for the right audience at the right time. The course concludes with a look at a template to use for all future marketing campaigns. All together a very comprehensive course.

With Spring just around the corner for us in the south, we are offering a chance for you to participate in this course for half price using our spring coupon. Click HERE to access the course and pay only $10 for lifetime access to all the videos, handouts and notes.

This coupon is only valid until the end of September with a limited number of places, so first click first learn. Our gift to you, Enjoy Click HERE

By |2016-11-01T10:20:31+02:00August 21st, 2014|Business Resources, EI Clients, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

15 tell tale signs that you may be an entrepreneur

This insightful article on Entrepreneur.com this week gives us an insight into what signs to look out for that could mean you may be an Entrepreneur.

The 15 signs are:

  1. You take action
  2. You’re insecure
  3. You’re crazy
  4. You’re obsessed with Cash Flow
  5. You get into hot water
  6. You’re fearless
  7. You can’t sit still
  8. You’re malleable
  9. You enjoy navel gazing
  10. You’re motivated by challenges
  11. You consider yourself an outsider
  12. You recover quickly
  13. You fulfil needs
  14. You surround yourself with advisors
  15. You work and play hard

Read the full article here

By |2014-08-20T12:47:19+02:00August 20th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Presentation Skills 101-3 The Business Elevator Pitch

A business pitch is slightly different to the personal pitch. You get to expand this to 60 or 90 seconds, but the basic rules still apply.

If you can’t tell someone what you do in less than 60 seconds then you do not know yourself. The use of a well prepared elevator pitch is similar to an automatic weapon strapped to your waist. Always ready and well oiled ready for any situation.

The format of an elevator pitch is simple, if you get to know the format, you can adapt it for any situation and audience.

  1. Introduction
  2. Tell us you name
  3. Tell us what business you are from
  4. Tell us what your business does
  5. Tell us who your clients are
  6. Tell a Story
  7. What makes you different
  8. Share a specific example about your business
  9. Ask for Business
  10. Hone in on a specific need that your business is looking for
  11. Call to Action
  12. Give specific instructions
  13. Memory Hook
  14. Repeat your name
  15. Repeat your business
  16. Tell us your slogan

Your pitch should remain the same in respect to the format but be prepared to adjust the focus to become relative to your audience. Your story and call to action will be very different if you are speaking to a women’s convention or a businessmen’s breakfast. Learn beforehand who you are speaking to and be able and prepared to adjust this to capture the attention of your audience. Remember the six questions at the beginning of this document.

And once again practice, practice, practice, until you are confident.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:31+02:00August 14th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Presentation Skills 101-2 The Personal Elevator Pitch

We are asked to introduce ourselves many times each day. This should be done in a short sharp 10-15 word sentence. Accompany this with your business card and a smile and you are already in the top 10% of people in the room.

So let’s look at the anatomy of a personal introduction. It needs to include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your interest
  • Your job function
  • The business you work for
  • Call to action

Write these out in point form and then just string them together to make a sentence. Keep it witty and easy to understand. Drop any long syllable words and technical words and it should be done.

Remember that people want to do business with people before doing business with your business, so be a person first. Be interesting and show yourself, step out from behind the business mask and be the real you.

If you are stuck with this try some of the following techniques;

  • Mention your favorite sports team
  • Tell people of a recent accomplishment
  • Tell people about a book you are reading
  • Share a good bit about your family

The more you practice this the better you will become. Practice, practice, practice, until you are confident.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:31+02:00August 12th, 2014|Business Resources, EI Clients, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Presentation Skills 101-1 Introduction to Presenting

Public Speaking is one of the most feared and avoided tasks among modern civilizations. Apparently people would rather run naked through a crowded room or die of drowning than speak in front of a group of people. The good news is that unlike drowning, speaking does get better and easier the more you prepare and practice, not sure about the being naked part.

We are going to look at some simple techniques and tools that will set you apart from others and get you to a point where you can walk into a room with confidence knowing that you are confident, capable and prepared to handle whatever is requested from you. Winston Churchill said, “The best unprepared speech I ever did, was the one I prepared the night before.”

As an Entrepreneur you will be required to be prepared to pitch yourself, your business and your ideas to people at the drop of a hat. This week we will take you through the preparation of the following presentations;

  1. Personal Elevator pitch
  2. Business Elevator pitch
  3. Tips on Visual Aids
  4. More tips on presenting

The rules of any presentation are simple: Keep it simple. Unless you are presenting a scientific notation to a bunch of PhD graduates at MIT, keep it simple. People do not enjoy getting bogged down by detail. They are never impressed by your ability to show off how clever you think you are by using big words and techno jargon. Simple wins every time.

At the end of your pitch there are six questions that, if you could ask your audience, would grade the success of your presentation;

  1. Can they repeat your main points?
  2. Could they visualise what you were saying?
  3. Will they remember this tomorrow?
  4. Could they relate it to their own lives?
  5. Did they respect what you were saying?
  6. Do they want to talk to you afterwards?

Wow, heavy questions, but worthy of keeping in mind as you prepare your presentation.

Let us know of some of your presentation ‘YES’ and ‘OH NO’ experiences.



By |2014-08-11T11:07:00+02:00August 11th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Missile Marketing 4: SACLOS

We have chatted about HOPE and MCLOS as ways to run your marketing strategies, but there is a more advanced technology used to fire missiles. Called SACLOS, Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight. This allows the target to be loaded into some form of guidance system and then only minor adjustments are required to hit the bulls-eye.

Seen in military using wire connected torpedoes or guidance missiles led to their target using laser painted targeting systems. The outcome is much better than manual targeting or hope. But still requires some manual processes.

As example marketing online using Pay-per-click on FaceBook or Google. You can set up your desired target audience ahead of time and then start your campaign. It runs well, but may require some minor adjustments as it progresses.

This is also seen in live marketing such as Expos, talks or 1-on-1 marketing. A set structure is designed ahead of time and then may be adjusted according to the audience you are delivering to.

Effective and better than others discussed but still requires manual input and some form of intellectual strategy to get the best results.

But is there a better way? Could it be possible to Fire and Forget and know that you will hit your target. More on this in our next post.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:32+02:00August 1st, 2014|Entrepreneurship, Marketing|0 Comments

Missile Marketing 3: MCLOS

Being able to manually control a missile to its target has proved to be a huge advantage in the battle field. Looking at the current unrest in the Middle East, we see onside using ‘hope’ rockets just firing in the general direction of a target and the other side using technology where the missile is directed towards a specific building or vehicle. The outcomes are obvious. Once side has a much better success rate and far less collateral damage in the process.

What about your marketing. Can you use MCLOS technology in your campaigns. MCLOS stands for Manual Command to Line Of Sight. Giving you manual control of your marketing as it happens. This allows for minor changes in strategy and direction as your campaigns evolves.

This would exclude any form of printed advert in a newspaper or phone book with very little room for manoeuvre during its life span. It may be able to include handing out of flyers to the right type of people at the right time. Or it could include running online campaigns that you can adjust as you see things change.

But all these, as great as they are, require you to be in control and direct things as they change. It is expensive as well as time consuming. MCLOS requires hands on deck and a real understanding of your market, but gives you the ability to change and adjust as you go along.

Think for a moment how you could add a manual adjustment to your marketing campaigns that you are currently running or will run in the near future and implement this MCLOS strategy. But is there a better way? More in our next post.

By |2014-07-30T15:18:07+02:00July 30th, 2014|Entrepreneurship, Marketing|0 Comments
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