So often we find ourselves stuck in a rut or situation that just does not allow us any way out. What can be done to get unstuck and gain new momentum again?

When life hits you with a curve ball, you need to hit back. Think differently and the results will change. The worst thing you can do is to just put more effort into doing the same old thing hoping for a new result. Einstein called this act Insanity. Be different, think different and the result will change. Then gauge if the results are what you need or want and act again and again until things start to get back on course.

Here are some simple daily acts that may help you gain new direction in your business:

  • Have a daily staff huddle and share ideas, thoughts and situations.
  • Listen to others who speak, often they see things that you are blind to.
  • Meet and chat to outsiders who may offer advice from their wisdom.
  • Move your office furniture around to gain a new perspective on how you see things.
  • Get away from the office for a day one your own or with staff to help think out of the box.
  • Meet with a coach and work through the problem systematically using some of their tools

Getting stuck is a natural part of the life of a business, getting unstuck is what a good business leader is designed to do. Recognise the rut and stuckness before it begins to erode the business and act today to find a way forward.