When it comes to social media, you are NOT allowed to sell anywhere other than your own website, unless of course you have paid for the right to do so with FaceBook Ads or Google Ads.

So be careful not to promote your goods as For Sale in the social cloud. A better strategy is to talk about the benefits of your product offering and then provide links to a sales or landing page within the article. You can do this on other websites as well in their comments. But be careful not to offend or ruin a relationship. It could destroy that access point for life.

Selling online is a lot harder than in person, so my strategy has always been to get the person on the phone or in front of me as soon as possible to convert and close the deal. Do not keep a person hanging online by providing them with lots of emails and links with all your product features and pricelists. Chat to them directly and list to their needs, then propose a solution that will satisfy them.

Just to recap the weeks tips:

  • Get Online – Register yourself and your business
  • Get Profiled – Load good quality images and descriptions
  • Get Linked – Link up all the platforms so they work together
  • Get Landed – Create landing pages to convert sales
  • Get Selling – run campaigns that attract clients back to your website

All set, ready, go