BOB – Episode 6
We’ve just come to the end of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, and its been a week of activities – talks, workshops and competitions all over the world.
Cape Town had a whole host of interesting talks and workshops all around. Did you have a chance of attending any of the workshops or talks that took place around Cape Town? If not, then worry not, you can find most of the recordings online.
Our very own workshops here at EI can be found on Please take the opportunity to go and catch up on these awesome workshops that will empower you.
It has also been an interesting week fro those living in France. We all know what has happened over there. After all that has happened, we are seeing a continuation of sagas, uncovering plots, blame and everything. But a number of things have come out of this. and i wanna remove myself from the emotions of the lost of life and distractions of property and violation.I wanna sort of, look at the way the world reacts to this type of a thing.
First, it is shock and disbelieve. Then it is anger, and then blame. we wanna go around pointing fingers and blame someone for what happened. And when it becomes hard for to blame someone who has blown themselves up, we begin to point fingers elsewhere and want to find someone, somewhere whom can be nailed for what happened.
All of this is similar to the way we run our businesses. When things start going bad in our businesses, we close our eyes and pretend it’s not happening. Then we hope it will go away, When it does not go away, we get angry and frustrated. and as time goes on, we want to look for someone that we can blame. That is what we call emotional immaturity.
In situations like this, We need to take responsibility of our actions, all the time. We need to man up and look for solutions instead of playing the blame game. We need to find a strategy of moving from chaos to clarity. That will make you a better entrepreneur.
Watch Bruce on Business here: