It was not that long ago when I still believed, like so many men that if things had to be done right, it was up to me and me alone to get it done. No one else could possibly know what I needed done and it was too much hassle to try explaining it to them. And even if I could, they would stuff it up; so alone I traveled, doing everything myself. Guess what, it all came tumbling down around me.

As entrepreneurs we cannot afford to work alone. It is only through the power of collaboration and leverage that our ideas and businesses will flourish. We instill a habit in our clients of not to do the things they cannot do. To carry around a Do Not Do list is as important as the To Do list. Whenever you do something that you do not do well, it just makes you look stupid and incompetent. So why do it? Learning to build a team through collaboration, allowing others to do what they do well and finding your sweet spot is essential to the progress of both you and your business.

Take time today to list the things you do that either you are not competent at or that make you emotionally unhappy and find others to do these tasks. You will be amazed at how others just love to do the things on this list, for them it is their sweet spot. When you light another candle with yours, it does not make your flame half the size, it just makes the room twice as bright.