Not being prepared for an opportunity as a business owner has to be one of the major sins of entrepreneurship. Yet every time I go to a networking meeting or conference I find people who have not got business cards, flyers or even their contact detail on them. When asked to introduce themselves they Basically ummm and ahhh their way through a bunch of made up facts that tell us nothing more than this guy is just not prepared and not able to promote his business at all.

Other people I chat to who are looking for opportunities seem to have this sit back and wait philosophy. They want to wait for something to come along and present itself to their office door. As if the approved tender is being hand delivered to them even when they did not bother to put in an application. The same goes for people looking for jobs, each week I chat to a group of people who insist that just reading the day old Cape Times job column will be enough to secure employment.

Convergence of opportunity is a short time based window that comes and goes and often never repeats itself. Becoming and being a successful entrepreneur is being able to appear always on always ready for any opportunity that may present itself, no matter how short this window remains open. Always have at least 3 elevator pitches rehearsed and ready to go. Always carry business cards or brochures. Have your web and social media sites ready and waiting with auto responders and active landing pages. Your cell and land line answering messages should encourage dialogue and represent you and your brand when you do not answer. Opportunity is lost when not prepared overrides convergence. Where are you?