Awaken the Giant in You – S.A Teen Entrepreneur


SA Teen Entrepreneur, one of our clients hosted their annual breakfast session called “Awaken the Giant in You” this past weekend. The breakfast session, hosted at the Newlands Sun hotel on Saturday, 5 March 2016 was a huge success, that saw a great number of teenagers, parents and other business people in attendance. This awesome event left teenagers with a lot of courage to realize their full potential, which is the aim and purpose of Awaken the Giant in You.

One of the key speakers for the day, Riaan Fourie an artist developer, opened the event by sharing his entrepreneurial insights; with his talk titled “What I would have told myself half a lifetime ago.”

Another speaker, Kieno  Kammies of Cape Talk 567’s weekday breakfast show, shared with us  his entrepreneurial journey. He gave a thought-provoking presentation about the dreams of an entrepreneur and how to seize your future as a teenager.

The purpose of these breakfast sessions is to learn from Entrepreneurs who are successful and are keen to share their journeys and experience and to teach others the intricacies of Entrepreneurship.

Through these sessions, a message is sent to parents as well, to say, allow your kids to follow their passion and dreams, not yours.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:09+02:00March 9th, 2016|General|0 Comments

4 simple things that you need to do to everyday to become a better entrepreneur

success-as-an-entrepreneur-600x280When your business becomes successful, it does not mean that it is time for you to sit back and relax. Successful entrepreneurship is a constant work. You do not stop working on it. It requires consistent effort.

You have to work on your business on a daily basis to become the best version of yourself, no matter how successful your business is. Success in entrepreneurship is not an end destination.

So, here are four things you can do every day to become a better entrepreneur:

Start your day positively.
Feed your mind with positive thoughts from the minute you wake up. Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.

Plan the night before, everyday.
Put down 1 to 3 most important things to get done on your to do list and complete them.

Ask yourself how you can make today better than yesterday.
Find time to come up with ideas on what you can do today that can make it better than yesterday.

Be clear about your intentions.
Whatever that you intend to do today, stick to it and complete it. Do not let anything distract you. One of the best ways to ruin a productive day is to give into distractions. Becoming a better entrepreneur starts with planning and sticking to that plan.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:10+02:00February 29th, 2016|Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

The 10 Myths of entrepreneurship

1. Successful entrepreneurs are male drop outs and secret geniuses.

No. The potential of successful entrepreneurship is in each of us.  The entrepreneurial idea begins with unique means that a person already has.

2. It’s not the goals we focus on in the beginning but the means, by acting without a single fixed goal.

Wrong! You need to have a goal of where you want to see your business.

3. It takes a lot of money to finance a new business.

Not really, you can start your business with your available means.

4. People will still your ideas if you talk about them. Keep them a secret.

You have to talk about your ventures and goals to extend your means and portfolio of goal.

5. Entrepreneurship is a win – lose situation, where you decide who gets the largest piece of cake.

In entrepreneurship the cake is not even yet baked. Those who want to join bring their means and ideas to bake the cake together.

6. It’s not a win – win situation either.

In business you build the future together, without competing.

7. You just have to go with the flow.

Wrong! you need a business plan. How else are you going to know where you are going if you do not have a plan?

8. You need to follow a learnable routine and formulas to become a successful entrepreneur.

Wrong. Everyone of us have a unique start of means that can be applied by anyone to become successful in business.

9. Entrepreneurship is rooted in the genes.

No. Entrepreneurs are made, not born!

10. Entrepreneurs can predict the future.

The only thing entrepreneurs do with future is build it, not predict it. They are definitely not prophets.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:10+02:00February 24th, 2016|EI Videos|0 Comments

Are you a meaningful Entrepreneur?

Meaningful EntrepreneurshipThere is a recently published study by Stanford University, about the way we construct our experiences, proving that though the principles of meaning and happiness overlap, a meaningful life is ultimately more important than a happy one. So, what is the difference then?

Putting your energy into cultivating an experience that is meaningful entails something more than whatever appeases your own wants and desires in the moment. Happiness is a fleeting feeling, whereas meaning is a stable foundation. Because if you cut down the things that matter to the reasons why they matter, you will realize that the common denominator is that they all give you a sense of belonging, fulfillment and purpose.

Ultimately, meaning is attainable. Meaning is something we can choose. That is not always the case with happiness.

Now, let’s take this to entrepreneurship. What is a meaningful entrepreneurship?

Meaningful entrepreneurs are the entrepreneurs who are enterprise growers and, therefore, job creators.

So, do you think you are a meaningful entrepreneur?

In his blog, Michael Gerber, a legendary entrepreneur, mentioned that a true entrepreneur starts with an inspiration, an innovative or transformative idea for a business, and is driven by the prospect of growth and reinvention.

The world needs more and more true entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs who are inspired to create, to be inspired to innovate, to be inspired to build a completely new world.

Michael Gerber says the cure for unemployment is not more jobs, but more meaningful entrepreneurs – entrepreneurs who will contribute to the transformation of the economy and to the growth of meaningful, rewarding jobs.

Unemployment is a problem that refuses to go away. The hope lies in the hands of a true entrepreneur, to create meaningful jobs.

Furthermore, in their 2014 report, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) divided entrepreneurial motivation into two drivers: motivational drivers and job-growth expectations. The first one is necessity-driven, which means individuals start businesses because there are no better options to obtain resources for living. The second one is opportunity-driven, which means individuals start businesses based on recognized opportunities.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:11+02:00February 5th, 2016|Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

BOB – Episode 6

We’ve just come to the end of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, and its been a week of activities – talks, workshops and competitions all over the world.

Cape Town had a whole host of interesting talks and workshops all around. Did you have a chance of attending any of the workshops or talks that took place around Cape Town? If not, then worry not, you can find most of the recordings online.

Our very own workshops here at EI can be found on Please take the opportunity to go and catch up on these awesome workshops that will empower you.

It has also been an interesting week fro those living in France. We all know what has happened over there. After all that has happened, we are seeing a continuation of sagas, uncovering plots, blame and everything. But a number of things have come out of this. and i wanna remove myself from the emotions of the lost of life and distractions of property and violation.I wanna sort of, look at the way the world reacts to this type of a thing.

First, it is shock and disbelieve. Then it is anger, and then blame. we wanna go around pointing fingers and blame someone for what happened. And when it becomes hard for to blame someone who has blown themselves up, we begin to point fingers elsewhere and want to find someone, somewhere whom can be nailed for what happened.

All of this is similar to the way we run our businesses. When things start going bad in our businesses, we close our eyes and pretend it’s not happening. Then we hope it will go away, When it does not go away, we get angry and frustrated. and as time goes on, we want to look for someone that we can blame. That is what we call emotional immaturity.

In situations like this, We need to take responsibility of our actions, all the time. We need to man up and look for solutions instead of playing the blame game. We need to find a strategy of moving from chaos to clarity. That will make you a better entrepreneur.

Watch Bruce on Business here:

By |2016-11-01T10:20:16+02:00November 23rd, 2015|Bruce on Business|0 Comments

Global Entrepreneurship Week: Workshop 3

Cool Marketing tools for your business.

In the third workshop of today’s snappy workshops series about Social Media, we have looked into the various tools that you can use to market your business.

All these tools do the work  that you want in one marketing task, every day. The attendees learned on how to get these tools to work for you and your business while you spend less time  a day on one simple marketing task that will bring the work you want.

Below are some of the tools we talked about:



By |2016-11-01T10:20:17+02:00November 17th, 2015|Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

The Global Entrepreneurship Week





The Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) – which attracts high profile entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and Michael Dell – is almost here.

For people who are planning to start their own businesses, the need for plenty of tips and advice to help them succeed in realising their dreams ranks high on their hierarchy of needs.

As a result, attending entrepreneurship workshops is an excellent way to get all of that.

The GEW is upon us in South Africa and is scheduled to start next week, with the first event taking place in Cape Town on Monday, 16 November. To be part of this incredible event, EI will also be having a range of workshops focusing on social media and marketing on 17 and 18 November 2015.

Launched eight years ago, the GEW is the world’s largest entrepreneurship event.

It takes place every November all over the world and its aim is to celebrate, educate, inspire and motivate all the innovators and job creators of this world.

The GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators.

This not-to-be-missed event is run by people who have already successfully navigated their way through the business world – which is why it continues to attract and engage high-profile entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson, Michael Dell, Russell Simmons, Muhammad Yunus, Mark Cuban and others who are enthusiastic to share their personal experiences and insights.

Those who are among the privileged few attending these much sought-after events are equipped with valuable nuggets which could enable them to follow in the footsteps of these great global entrepreneurship icons in their own business ventures.

People who are planning to attend these insightful events that are taking place at various areas across the country can expect to benefit in a number of different ways – including but not limited to networking, connecting participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors and introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities.


– For more information please visit:



By |2016-11-01T10:20:18+02:00November 13th, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to live your dream as an entrepreneur and see it pay off

Do you have the energy, passion and attitude to start a business?

When developing a dream as an entrepreneur, having a proper structure and procedure is where to start. Do a thorough research about the business you want to venture into, ask questions from every different angle. Think of the various ways of doing things differently from your competitors – a lot of creativity and innovation might come pouring out of that. Have a long term plan. Just like a house needs a good foundation, starting a business does too – otherwise your business is bound to fall by the wayside and therefore fail to fulfil its mission.

But to know how not to fail in business, it is essential to know what makes start-up businesses to fail.

Some of the things that can make a business to fail are poor planning, lack of financial resources and lack of knowledge.

Every year thousands of people start businesses, but how many of those keep their businesses operational throughout the year? If you cannot endure the stress of running or starting a business then you will surely need to rethink your idea of starting one.  All businesses, no matter the size, need hard work, energy and passion.

Just to borrow from Dr William Arthur Ward: “The gates of opportunity and advancement swing on these four hinges: initiative, industry, insight and integrity.” So, go out there and grab every opportunity that will steer your passion towards fulfilling your dream in business.

By |2015-09-28T13:16:41+02:00September 28th, 2015|General|0 Comments

Graduate and can’t find a job? Well, there is another way.

Unemployed graduateSouth Africa’s youth population is not only growing rapidly – it is also getting more and more educated.
A recent report by the Institute of Race Relations revealed that the proportion of South African youth aged 20 and above with post school education has almost doubled from 3.7% to 6.9%, while the headcount figures for those enrolled in higher education has almost doubled since 1995.

Most young people have qualifications in different fields of study, yet most companies cannot hire them because of the inevitable barrier of  lack of experience.
The youth have every prerequisite for success in the job market and are yearning for opportunities to not only earn a living but to contribute to the country’s economic growth.
But the corporate world still does not trust them enough to give them a chance to succeed and prove themselves merely because they do not have experience.

While the statistics for education and skills development as far as youth are concerned have improved, this seems to have no effect on the employment rate.

A better-equipped youth in terms of education is not necessarily guaranteed a job.

Well, it looks like the solution might well be entrepreneurship.

With times having evolved from the time when a young graduate’s next logical route was only to become a job seeker (and hopefully a job finder) to now being a potential job creator by becoming an entrepreneur, it is time for business owners and government to invest greatly in entrepreneurship programs and start-up incubators for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The future looks slightly brighter for those who want to create and help others create new jobs.

However, the level of success that one can attain as an entrepreneur is dependent on the measure of support they get. Entrepreneurs who get as much support as possible tend to become more successful.

We, the Entrepreneur Incubator and Academy offer such support. We offer business training and mentorship to budding and established entrepreneurs alike.  Click here for more information.
We are focused on developing entrepreneurs and businesses by providing top quality services and tools to enable sustainable growth in business communities.

As Rod Conway says, “Any time is a good time to start a company”. Just know that whenever you are ready to embark on a journey to entrepreneurship, we will be there for you, holding your hand until you are ready to stand on your own.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:25+02:00March 27th, 2015|Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Never Lose Balance

scooter 2
Riding a scooter in traffic and the wind is a challenge that very few get right. Mastering the skill of riding between cars, trucks and taxis whilst being blasted by our southeaster wind takes time, practice and skill to perfect.
So what has this got to do with Entrepreneurship? Balance is key to being a successful business owner. Finding time to work in, on and out of the business requires good planning and often an accountability partner. All this whilst being blasted by customer agendas, business maintenance, staff issues and compliance chaos often resulting in us getting off track and losing balance.
Here are some tips that I have learnt from the scooter that can be applied in business.
Never come to a gradual stop and coast up to a destination. In business drive as hard as you can to get to the point you need. Once there stop, access and move on to the next agenda. Slowing down will find you losing focus and balance.
When stopped, plan for the next move. At a stop on the bike it is essential to line up toward the next destination, looking ahead for any obstacles and define your path to avoid obstacles. Taking time to plan your next business move is critical. Look ahead and plan for any known issues or obstacles that may be in your way. Having a contingency plan B or C and maybe D is just good project management. Make sure you and your team are all pointed in the right direction before you set off.
Balance on a windy day in Cape Town traffic is hard work as you are blown from lane to lane between trucks and buildings. In our business opportunities and issues arrive on a regular cycle. All these need to be assessed and decisions made as to take action or go with the flow. Experience will teach you when to lean into an issue to avoid being blow off course and when to go with the flow that will change lanes to better business opportunities.
Think bike, think business.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:28+02:00January 29th, 2015|Entrepreneurship|0 Comments
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