Law Two: The law of the shareholder wealth creation


Law Two: The law of the shareholder wealth creation

Carl Bates writes in his book The Laws of Extreme Business Success about the 12 laws of business success. The second law looks at the shareholder issue and how we treat our own investment differently to that of others we have put our money into. The law states:

Extreme business success requires you to treat your investment in the same manner that you would treat an investment in any other company. This means that you have to know what your business is worth, what dividends you are receiving, and whether the future dividend prospects are justifying your retention of, and potential further investment into, your own investment in your own business. Extreme business success can only occur if the board and management team of your business are focusing on activities that grow shareholder wealth.

This book and others from Carl Bates are available here

By |2015-06-30T14:11:13+02:00June 30th, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

The Law of extreme Ego

The Laws of Extreme Business SuccessLaw One: The Law of extreme Ego

Carl Bates writes in his book The Laws of Extreme Business Success about the 12 laws of business success. The first of these takes a look at what we see the most of, the Ego trap of the Entrepreneur. This has to be the number one reason why a lot of businesses never get going or are stunted in their growth. The law states:

Extreme business success requires us to recognise that a business is more about than the personalities within it. It is about the purpose it promises. In business, we draw an important distinction between a craft and an enterprise. The existence of a craft depends on the active involvement of the owner because they represent the expertise required to keep the business going. An enterprise is a business with a promise and a structure that makes it sustainable beyond the person who funded or operated it. When you hold on to being a craftsman and making it all about yourself, you lose the game. To achieve success, you must move your passion from practising your craft to creating an enterprise and understanding that the enterprise is separate from you. This law therefore teaches you to keep your ego in check and in balance.

This book and others from Carl Bates are available here

By |2016-11-01T10:20:24+02:00June 22nd, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

The Laws of Extreme Business Success

The Laws of Extreme Business SuccessIn his book The Laws of Extreme Business Success, Carl Bates writes about the 12 laws that any small ‘craft’ business needs to abide by in order to develop into a sustainable income generating business enterprise. This type of business no longer needs to rely on the owner as the primary source of income or wisdom to be sustainable. So what are these laws and how can they be implemented into your business? We will unpack these over the next few weeks and give you our insight into each law.

To get you started, here are the laws Carl refers to:

  • Law one: The law of extreme ego
  • Law two: The law of the shareholder wealth creation
  • Law three: The law of continuous learning
  • Law four: The law of family
  • Law five: The law of business as a game
  • Law six: The law of rhythm
  • Law seven: The law of effective teams
  • Law eight: The law of the three hats.
  • Law nine: The law of vision
  • Law ten: The law of leadership
  • Law eleven: The law of transactional giving
  • Law twelve: The law of resolution

This book and others from Carl Bates are available here

By |2016-11-01T10:20:24+02:00June 15th, 2015|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments
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