Idea Feasibility

What makes an idea feasible? It is not just an emotional feeling more a gut feel, or feedback from your mother. Feasibility can be measured using some will used business tools.

We have created an assessment tool that has been widely used by entrepreneurs and business owners for a number of years. The purpose of this tool is to help determine the feasibility of a concept or idea before going to the next stage of fleshing it out into a business plan.

Almost all of the data you will gather for this exercise can be carried forward to your business plan so the exercise will not be wasted. This assessment is based loosely on the Porter Five Forces model with additional assessment questions.

There are different factors that influence a business from conception onward. These you have little control over but can manage the effect and influence they have on your sustainability.

If you would like a copy of this feasibility assessment, we would like to take this opportunity to offer it to you for free to assess your business idea. Simply click here, complete the form and we will e-mail you a copy for your personal use.

We would love your feedback, on your ideas and how you found our assessment. Trust that this will be a helpful tool in developing your new business idea.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:43+02:00July 8th, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

How to tell if your idea is a good one

Okay, so you have an idea, now what. How do you know if this idea is going to be any good as a business concept? This is the question that a lot of the entrepreneurs are faced with, but not all good ideas are good business concepts.

There are three categories that ideas can fall into; Revelation ideas, Evolution ideas and Iteration ideas.

Revelation ideas or ideas that are new; this could be innovation and technology, new inventions in science and discovery, or news stories or ideas in the arts. It is my experience that very few entrepreneurial ideas fall into this category, even though the entrepreneur himself is convinced that the concept is a revelation.

Evolution ideas are ideas that have come through and evolution process from other ideas. Most business ideas are concepts that have been seen elsewhere and that have just been involved in two a new reforms or a new look. Thus we see a lot of thin in technology, Web concepts and apps. These ideas are not necessarily bad but should be described as such and not as new.

Iteration ideas are ideas that use existing technology or concepts and combine them to come up with a new business solution. A good example of this is taking a GPS locator, which already existed for a number of years and combine that with a mobile phone to offer geolocation and direction solutions to the end user. This is a mashup of ideas that create a new solution.

Understanding into which category your new business concept falls will give you a good understanding on how to present it to the market and represents it in a business plan. This still does not mean that it is a feasible idea, this needs to be assessed separately and non-emotionality by the business. We have seen many good ideas that seem wonderful on paper and exciting when presented, but still do not match up to the feasibility assessment.

In our next post we will explore the feasibility assessment and give you a chance to take your business idea through this assessment that will give you a score based on market experience and fact and not emotion and hype. 

By |2013-07-04T11:44:28+02:00July 4th, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Why do we need a business plan?

Going into business without the business plan is like running blind on a freeway against the traffic. We hope not get wiped out, but sooner or later we will. This is so true yet so many entrepreneurs seem to plough ahead into the business doing first, thinking second, and we all know where they have ended up.

A business plan is a document that should be created primarily for the purpose of serving the business owner and the business. A good, well written business plan creates a sense of confidence within the business that gives the business a daily true North to steer to. It needs to be a reference document that is read and reviewed on a regular basis. A good business plan will give not only a final destination but also a mapped out course with milestones and checkpoints to guide the business from where it was to where it should be.

The business plan is also used to raise start-up capital (seed funding), angel funding, venture capital funding or even assets funding. The business plan is also vital when looking for partners, contracts or tenders.

So what does a business plan contain? There are many many templates out in the marketplace that can be found on the web each with its own criteria and format. Selecting the incorrect format could be hazardous to both the process and the purpose for your business. In coming posts throughout this month we will explore various options and layouts and give you links to possible formats and templates that can be used in different circumstances.

I want to close this post with one vital bit of information; your business plan must never be written by somebody not connected directly with the business. We have seen too many business plans written by contract consultants that are a copy and paste job filled with crap and misinformation, these business plans are no good for anything other than maybe toilet paper.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:43+02:00July 3rd, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

The Anatomy of a Business Plan

This month we are focusing on the Anatomy of a business plan. This is a much discussed and written about topic in the small business sector, and we hope to clear up some of the myths and issues around this during the next month.

So if you are in the need of a business plan, financial plan or wanting to apply for funding, then this is where you need to be during the next 4 weeks.

Not only will we post articles here on this blog and related social media sites, but also our weekly Master class webinars (here) will take you step by step through all the aspects.

A series of video courses will also be posted on that you can attend and get all the required information.

So there is very little excuse for you now to not know how to map out and compile a kick-ass business plan.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:43+02:00July 1st, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Registrations open for Boot Camp 2013

If you have a business that needs to be taken to the next level and if you have the ambition and drive to make this happen, then we invite you to apply to be a part of the next Entrepreneur Boot Camp.

This six week programme consists of weekly half day workshops, homework assignments and links to mentors, coaches and resources. This is a fast track business development programme aimed at getting both you and your business refocused and moving in the right direction.


  • You are the business owner in Cape Town
  • Your business has been operational and trading for more than two years
  • You have a plan and ambition to grow your business, even if it is just in your head
  • You have time to attend weekly workshops in the southern suburbs of Cape Town
  • You are willing to put in some effort to get results

Investment: The investment from your side will be R3000, payable in two equal payments of R1500, on registration and then before week 4 of the programme. This is a subsidised amount and is matched by funders and investors.

Dates: The programme will run for 6 weeks starting in the last week of May 2013.

Applications: If you wish to apply to be considered for this programme then please complete the online form on

By |2013-05-08T07:30:27+02:00May 8th, 2013|Business Resources, EI Clients|0 Comments

Brain fit = Business Fit

Getting your body fit requires exercise, spinning classes and gym sessions. Also involved is a balanced diet and reduced ‘bad’ foods. Getting your bran fit requires regular exercises, concentration classes and brain gym sessions. It also requires a good diet and reduced ‘bad’ food.

In order to build a successful business your brain should be in peak performance followed by a healthy body. Healthy body, I cant help you out with see Robin Buck for that, but healthy mind is my game.

A number of concentration exercises and focus sessions will soon see your brain learning new skills and making new connections to support those new found skills. Brain gym is as important as body gym, just less sweaty and expensive but a whole lot more fun.

We offer a 90 day Brain Fit programme that you can purchase online and enjoy in the comfort of your office or home. Within the first 2 weeks you will begin to notice your concentration and recall ability improving followed by creative thinking, visualisation and problem solving. We will also teach you about good and healthy brain foods and what to avoid to keep your brain fit.

We are currently recruiting a number of people to proof our newly released programme and will be writing about their experiences here each week. If you want to be a part of this trial email me here or wish to purchase the programme go here for more details.

By |2013-04-05T10:04:29+02:00April 5th, 2013|Business Resources, Leadership|0 Comments

Do you use Twitter to grow your business?

Using social media has become an essential part of running a business in these connected times. It has always been easier to use FaceBook and YouTube to promote our business but Twitter is now making a huge effort to get small businesses on board to promote and sell whist building customer loyalty.

This short video released this week by Twitter will give you some tips and tools to do just that:

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00April 2nd, 2013|Business Resources, Social Media|0 Comments

The Big “F” of doing business 4



In this series I have take a number of ‘F’ words and unpacked some lessons we can all learn from how to do business more effectively and efficiently.

The next set of ‘F’ words are Financially Flippant. Far to many business owners do not know what financial management is or entails. I have seen many business owners living out of the till and treating the businesses money as their own. spending it on personal things, food and fuel and never recording these expenses as such. then when it comes time for reconciliation and financial statements they run around wondering why they struggle with cash flow.

Financially flippant business owners are not able to measure cash flow, manage expenses or risks. They also struggle with growth because there is not a solid base to grow from. Business owners need to become wise in their financial management and measure, manage and reward on all aspects of their business.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00March 27th, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

Human Rights and Wrongs

This week we celebrate Human Rights day in South Africa. A day when we get to look back at the checked past of our country and celebrate our constitution and the access to human rights as citizens of a free democracy.

Or is it? Jobs and secure employment is still only available to the elite and well connected. Being employed in a stable job is a privilege not a right, as is access to clean water, toilets and housing. The majority of the people in SA are no better off almost 2 decades after the ANC took over. Blame is still placed on Apartheid and the race card is played at every opportunity.

For the majority of people finding income to cover monthly expenses is a constant battle. But yet we see the fat cats of government, corporate and well connected gravy train ride-alongs gleaning huge sums of wealth for themselves and their friends.

Entrepreneurship and self-employment has become a forced way of life for many with little or no support from local government, and no regard to their struggles by central government, SARS or the Labour courts.

The daily grind we see people having to get through in order to survive and trying to make ends meet, whilst trying to cope with the high levels of crime, child abuse and violence against women, is not something we will be celebrating tomorrow.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00March 20th, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments

The Big “F” of doing business 1


In this series I have take a number of ‘F’ words and unpacked some lessons we can all learn from how to do business more effectively and efficiently.

The first set of ‘F’ words are Fail Fast. The ability for any business to fail is often frowned upon, especially by your accountant and bank manger. Failure is just not why we went into business in the first place so we try to hide it and deny it and ignore the very fact it happened at all.

But a true Entrepreneur has to learn to embrace failure and more importantly to fail fast. Learn to recognise the signs of a failure, embrace it and get it over with as soon as possible. Put it up as school fees fix the cause and resolve any outstanding issues that may require your focus.

Failing fast reduces costs of denial and dragging it out in some blame game with suppliers or customers. People, being customers, will better sympathise with you if you admit up front where you screwed up or went wrong than if you try to hide the truth and then it all comes out later.

Fail Fast, learn and get back on the horse to ride another day.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:45+02:00March 13th, 2013|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship|0 Comments
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