First, let me explain what the difference is between an Executive Director and a Non-Executive Director is and what their hat looks like. Any board of an organisation is made up of paid staff and outside consultants. The Executive Director heads the organisation; they have day-to-day responsibility for the processes and procedures of the business and draw a salary for this.

A Non-Executive Director sits on the board and is a non-salary person but has responsibilities that include Strategy, Performance, Risk and People.

Every business needs Non-Executive Directors, or as we call them, consultants of Business Coaches. They are people who sit in on meetings and are able to speak into the life of the business with their experience and non-emotional, unbiased opinions. It is critical to have such a hat in your business. We get too close to the trees to see the wood and often fail to move beyond our current blinked vision. Allocate someone who has experience in your field and who have gone places you wish to go to and appoint them to your board as a Non-Executive Director. Give them the hat and allow them to use it as they see fit. We find that to network with such people or to join a think tank or community is hugely beneficial to any business. It does take a humble Manager and Share Holder to stop and listen to what is being said, but the entrepreneur will gladly seize these ideas and run with them.