Almost every lamp pole in our country currently hosts at least one political poster with pictures and slogans. TV and radio adverts are coming out with political parties promising us a better life together if we vote for them. In the coming weeks leading up to 7 May when we go to the polls, we will begin to see an increase in campaigning and promises that will sway those of us who have not yet made up our minds where to place our voters cross.

What is it you and your business had to secure customers in the same manner.

What would your pole posters look like?

Would you put your face on the poster?

What would your slogan or tag line be?

If you had a 3 minute radio interview would you know what to say and how to say it?

How different is your marketing campaigns to an election campaign? Can you stand by your words and promises that you make to your customers. How satisfied would your customers be once they have spend money (cast their vote) on your product offering? What would they be sharing with their friends about their experience with your business?

Take time today to think on these things and make any changes that may be required to move your business away from the fly-by-night political party campaigns we see far too often.