Creating videos for your business

Did you know that YouTube is the second most used search engine on the web? Creating videos for your business could and should be one of the most critical marketing channels that you can be involved in as a business owner.

Making videos is not always the expensive and technical challenge that you may think it is. A simple set of short videos is easy to compile and will put your brand in front of the world in a visual and creative way.

Here are some examples of the types of videos that you can compile for your business;

A short interview with the business owner or customers talking about the benefits of your products

Using a number of still photos, create a collage of your offerings. This done to music or a voice over is always a great way to promote your brand

Instructional video for the safe use of your product to enhance the customer experience

Promotional video to show case an event of upcoming competition

Demonstration or product reviews

I trust that this has given you some enthusiasm to start your business videos. For some examples of what we have done drop by our FaceBook page here.

If you need any assistance, advice or guidance with these, please do not hesitate for a moment to contact myself and we will talk you through some of the issues you may have.

Get those marketing juices and lenses (or cell phones) focused.

By |2013-05-03T07:33:06+02:00May 3rd, 2013|EI Videos, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Do you use Twitter to grow your business?

Using social media has become an essential part of running a business in these connected times. It has always been easier to use FaceBook and YouTube to promote our business but Twitter is now making a huge effort to get small businesses on board to promote and sell whist building customer loyalty.

This short video released this week by Twitter will give you some tips and tools to do just that:

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00April 2nd, 2013|Business Resources, Social Media|0 Comments

Getting Around the Spam Filters

Have you ever wondered why your emails never get delivered or opened? Could it be due to the high amount of Spam alerts that they create? Even if you are sending out genuine legitimate emails with real business information, they may still be classified as spam. Here are a few hints to watch out for:

Make sure your email subjects have good call to actions that do not use any of the Spam words listed below.

Start emails to the person’s name. So not use, Hi all or Hello

Use your own name and email as the From address not Undisclosed Recipients

Cut down on the amount of Images in relation to the volume of text

Reduce or eliminate the use of the following Spam words:

Free, Instant access, one time offer, cancel at any time, give away, signup for free, this is not spam, instant cure, click here, compare our prices, earn more here, easy income.

The list goes on and on but you should see the trend here. For a complete list read this article by Hubspot. The more you try to manipulate your customers into buying stuff online without first building up a high level of trust, the more you will be pushed away. Not only by spam filters but by potential clients as well.

Try different email subjects on different days and times. See what best works for your clients and what gets the best open rate. The experts will tell you that an email send out on a Tuesday at 09:30 is the best time, but try it for yourself and your customers and then stick to a schedule that everyone can rely on.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00March 18th, 2013|Business Resources, General, Social Media|0 Comments
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