Week one of the business sprint is all about you. Who are you as an entrepreneur and what makes you tick. We will look at your strengths and required support structures to make you complete and what you can do to be a fully focused functional entrepreneur and business owner.
So, some questions to ask and answer before we can kick this week off:
Who are you? Not just name and age, but have you really ever asked yourself who you really are. At your very core?
What about: what are you? A little harder to answer, but this often get to the root cause of the purpose of your life and what needs to be done in order to fulfil this purpose.
We also need then to ask: What is it that you do? Doing is Being and Being is Doing. To be just a spectator to life is not being fully engaged in adding value and just leads to entitlement and a non-participant lifestyle.
We end off with: What is your impact on society, both positive and negative. How effective are you each week, each day at making the world a better place because you got out of bed?
So journey with us this week and we peel back some of the layers to yourself and look deep within to discover your true self.