Patrick Bet-David shares in this short video how we need to reprioritise our focus on chaos to alleviate the effect it has on our lives.

He explains the four main categories of chaos: Family, Financial, Health and Business and how some people create chaos as an excuse for failure or conversations.

People who handle chaos and stress well always anticipate chaos, ask for help and process the issues quickly towards the desired resolution.

Here are 7 good actions when faced with chaos in your life.

  1. It is all perspective; do not turn molehills into mountains. Ask: is it really chaos?
  2. Seek wise counsel from professionals
  3. Focus on what you can control not on what can’t be controlled
  4. Over prepare yourself and your team
  5. Come up with the next 3 steps on what needs to be done
  6. Study the birth of the chaos: understand the origin and change
  7. Do not take chaos personally

Watch the video for the full talk.