Four ways to optimize your video calls:

1. Prepare yourself

Make sure your video looks good. the good thing about video is that you can control what the other person sees. Use the ABCD method.

The ABCD method means:

A – Ambiance

– Have a nice quiet place and good lighting to record. Lighting is important, so make sure the lighting is nicely bright.

B – Backdrop

– Make sure  your background is professional and neutral, e.g Bookcase, plain wall with a few nice pictures.

C – Clutter

– Remove all clutter from the desk so that you don’t get destructed or find yourself picking up something from the desk when you are nervous.

D – Dress to impress

Put on formal clothes. Do not wear striped, low cut or too tight clothes, they don’t look good on camera. Do not wear clanky  jewelry, they can be so noisy to the camera and cause a destruction.

2. Digital First Impression

It is important to look professional on camera just as you would when you meet in person. Use use professional language. since you cannot actually shake hands with your caller, give them a nice, warm smile, a nod or a wave.

3. Virtual Body Language

Your non-verbal communication is as important as your verbal communication. Be sure to look at the camera and not on the screen at all times, that gives a better eye contact.

4. End on a High

Make sure you end your call with a compliment or a call to action. Make an impressive ending.