Riding a motorbike, ok scooter, each day to and from work in the Cape Town traffic has taught me a number of lessons in both survival and in business. This blog series will cover some of the important ones.
One of the first lessons I learnt about riding a motorbike is to never look at the road where you are, be aware where you are but always look ahead to where you want to be.
This is key to running a successful business: being aware of the current situation is important but looking ahead to where you want to be is crucial to getting there. We work with our clients in setting up and following a Future Focused Framework that details a 3 year plan for both their lives and their businesses. This helps keep the focus fixed firmly on the future and the desired destination, but to also remember where we are at any one time.
The current situation is covered by a number of dashboards, indicators and general perception. But nothing you do now will adjust the current situation, but always pay dividend to your future.
I love the life insurance advert that says “Your future self will thank you for investing today” The same can be said for the future business owner of your business. By keeping your eyes and focus on what lies ahead makes for good business decisions today and will ensure that tomorrow is not lost.
So, ride free in your business, be aware of today, but keep your eyes up and focused on the future you desire.