Entrepreneur Key wordsIn this series, we are looking at the key words that define a successful sustainable business. The third word is Convenience. This is defined as: Anything that saves or simplifies work or adds to one’s ease or comfort.

It is a given that if you offer a product or service that reduces someone’s pain or frustration, it will be a hit. But yet so many people have businesses running that have customers fuming and having to tolerate poor service, crappy products and zero customer attention. Just adding a smile to the hospitality industry will put you in the top 10% of business.

Take a good look at what you do and how it is done and find ways to add convenience to your services. Remove the pain from those who pay your salary, your customers, and they will keep coming back.

If you are unsure of how to do this, ask them. A simple two question survey will give you huge insight into what you can improve:

  1. Please rate our product/service out of 10
  2. Now what would make it a 10?

The answer to the second question is where your effort needs to be focused. Implement the requests into your business that the customer will rate you as a 10 for. This is convenience and just great customer service.