Missile Marketing 5: FAF

To simply FAF, Fire and Forget a missile require a lot of confidence in your product, technology and targeting system. Missiles that use this technology today are expensive and only used when other methods are not viable.

But in marketing, this method of Fire and Forget is not only the best method, but the cheapest as well. A well established network of happy customers, appointed Brand Champions and solid referral strategy will see your marketing develop from strength to strength. Here are some simple, yet effective FAF strategies for your business:

  • Develop a team of Brand Champions who will assist in marketing to potential customers that you do not have direct           access to.
  • Develop a strategy to gain referrals from others. This can be done through your current customer base as well as        through networking organisations such as BNI.
  • Develop a number of Affiliate programmes into your business. This is normally done using other businesses that you refer to or recommend and in doing so earn an income.
  • Develop a number of online forms, landing pages and links that will automatically direct customers to the place ofpurchase. This requires some planning in design, but once done well, will give you a constant stream of income.
  • Converting some of your wisdom or products to video or into a book, will develop alternate income streams into yourbusiness. There are a number of online platforms that will host your training materiel or eBooks and send you money            each month for sales achieved.

This is just some of the strategies we use for ourselves and our clients. Fire and Forget, with confidence and guaranteed results time and time again. Take time to develop these into your business for a more focused strategy to developing a diverse  array of income streams.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:32+02:00August 4th, 2014|Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Social media tips week: Get selling

When it comes to social media, you are NOT allowed to sell anywhere other than your own website, unless of course you have paid for the right to do so with FaceBook Ads or Google Ads.

So be careful not to promote your goods as For Sale in the social cloud. A better strategy is to talk about the benefits of your product offering and then provide links to a sales or landing page within the article. You can do this on other websites as well in their comments. But be careful not to offend or ruin a relationship. It could destroy that access point for life.

Selling online is a lot harder than in person, so my strategy has always been to get the person on the phone or in front of me as soon as possible to convert and close the deal. Do not keep a person hanging online by providing them with lots of emails and links with all your product features and pricelists. Chat to them directly and list to their needs, then propose a solution that will satisfy them.

Just to recap the weeks tips:

  • Get Online – Register yourself and your business
  • Get Profiled – Load good quality images and descriptions
  • Get Linked – Link up all the platforms so they work together
  • Get Landed – Create landing pages to convert sales
  • Get Selling – run campaigns that attract clients back to your website

All set, ready, go

By |2016-11-01T10:20:32+02:00July 11th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Social Media|0 Comments

Social media tips week: Get landed

Social media is just that: social. So start being social and make new friends, link to groups and people who could be potential customers or Brand Champions. Having all your platforms linkedwill greatly assist you in this process. Ask questions, answers questions, make comments, repost cool relevant items and be nice.

Ok, not nice all the time. Nice people online are boring and often forgotten. Ruffle the feather every so often with a personal opinion on some topic or a short editorial on a hot issue. This will get people talking and sharing a little about what you say.

The main rule for chatting is to lead people back to your website to get them to engage with your product or service. To make this effective, make sure you have a ‘landing page’ for people to click through to. A landing page is a web page specially designed for a specific task, such as selling, promoting, gathering information and the like. Design a landing page that will promote a specific product offering, add a capture form and then blog about it. Add links to the blog to take people direct to the page and not your home page. Add to this by posting shorter posts on FaceBook and Twitter with the same link. Give people some incentive to capture their details and then sit back and see what happens.

It may not work well the first time you try it, but keep at it, change a few things and try again. Keep promoting the page until you have gotten enough response, and then do something else.

Your strategy here is to collect people’s details who have found your offerings appealing. This is what we call your Sales Pipeline. Keep their interest peaked by following up with emails, phone calls and personal visits.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:33+02:00July 10th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Social Media|0 Comments

Social media tips week: Get linked.

By this stage you should be online on a number of platforms each with their required profiles fully completed. Working online can be very time consuming and become a huge time thief for you in the day. What you need to do is to use some of the tools that exist to ensure that your social media is consistently updated and run well. You also need to know when people comment and reply on any of the platforms. Gulp! I hear you say, but this is not that complicated. Just a few tools and a few minutes each day will keep you in the driving seat.

So here are some of my all time favorite saving tools for you to use:

  • RSS feeds. This is a bit technical, so if you are not a techie, ask your web guys for help here. If you want to give it a shot, useFeedburner from Google, it makes it a whole lot easier to set up and use. What this does is to replicate your blog posts to subscribers and to a number of publishing platforms automatically every time you publish a new blog.
  • IFTTT – stands for IF This Then That. This has to be the best tool invented since forever. Register an account and then set up a number of recipes to use on your platforms. Essentially it will post on your FaceBook page or Twitter each time you blog. Or the other way around or both. Look at some examples and just do what others have done to learn before you start designing your own recipes. Be careful not to create loops and fill your profiles with junk.
  • Hootsuite – A simple way to keep track of replies and new comments. Take some time to learn all the features and once set up it will work for you forever.Get these up and working for you and your life will be just that little easier with regard to your social media management. This will then allow you more time to run some campaigns and marketing strategies.
By |2016-11-01T10:20:33+02:00July 9th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Social Media|0 Comments

Social media tips week: Get profiled

Once you have all the required platforms registered, ensure that your personal and business brands are properly represented on each of them. Here is a short check list:

Get a professional pic of yourself. Head and shoulders or waist up os good. Make sure it is clear and edited if required. DO NOT use your logo for your personal pic. And never use your dog, baby scans or children as substitutes. People want to get to know you as a person, not as a picture of someone else.

Put your brand logo as the profile pic on FaceBook page, Twitter and YouTube. This will give your brand an identity when your post on these platforms.

Create a cool banner that can be used for both FaceBook Page and YouTube. The sizes are slightly different but they should look the same. Twitter allows for w full wall paper backing as well as a banner. Get a designer to do these for you if you do not have the right tools, but PowerPoint works well for most. Create a design, group it, right click and save as a pic. Then just upload the pic to the required platform. For a more professional look, pay someone. Remember to save your logos with your business name, this helps Google to get to know you

Enter in a business profile in each platform. It is best to write these out in Word first, then just copy and paste them to ensure a consistent brand identity. Keep them short and to the point. Most people want to read these in less than 5 seconds, so work on them to get them right before posting them.

Ok we are getting there, more tomorrow.


By |2016-11-01T10:20:33+02:00July 8th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Social Media|0 Comments

Social media tips week: Get online

This week we will publish a social media tip each day to assist you in developing a more focused strategy for your business using low cost ideas that work.Today’s strategy is simple: get online. So many of our clients have not yet gotten themselves or their business online. Here is a short list of must haves for any small business owner and their business:

Get a personal FaceBook profile Click here

Get and complete a LinkedIn profile Click here

Register your company domain name: Click here

Put up a website and a blog for your business Click here

Register a FaceBook Business Page, set this up with a logo, header banner and business info Click here

Register a business Twitter account, add your business info and a logoClick here

Get a business Gmail account. This is not for receiving mail but gives you access to all the Google tools and platforms though a single access point, more on this later in the week Click here

Register a Youtube account and set it up with a channel banner and info Click here

Enough now? These will form the basics for what we will share later this week. These we see as the essential requirements to start getting your business and personal profile out into the web and to attract new customers.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:33+02:00July 7th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Social Media|0 Comments

Thunderclap creating a storm in Social Media

What if you had an idea? What if the idea was so good that you just had to share it with everyone, not just everyone you know but everyone everyone?

Problem: Your social network is just 0.000001% of the everyone who needs to hear what you have to say.

Solution: Thunderclap: a very awesome platform that gives voice and penetration to causes, messages and new innovation. This is just simple maths of exponential marketing and explosive messaging.

Need to know more: check out the video, it explains it far better than we could.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:33+02:00July 4th, 2014|Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Social Media|0 Comments

Creating videos for your business

Did you know that YouTube is the second most used search engine on the web? Creating videos for your business could and should be one of the most critical marketing channels that you can be involved in as a business owner.

Making videos is not always the expensive and technical challenge that you may think it is. A simple set of short videos is easy to compile and will put your brand in front of the world in a visual and creative way.

Here are some examples of the types of videos that you can compile for your business;

A short interview with the business owner or customers talking about the benefits of your products

Using a number of still photos, create a collage of your offerings. This done to music or a voice over is always a great way to promote your brand

Instructional video for the safe use of your product to enhance the customer experience

Promotional video to show case an event of upcoming competition

Demonstration or product reviews

I trust that this has given you some enthusiasm to start your business videos. For some examples of what we have done drop by our FaceBook page here.

If you need any assistance, advice or guidance with these, please do not hesitate for a moment to contact myself and we will talk you through some of the issues you may have.

Get those marketing juices and lenses (or cell phones) focused.

By |2013-05-03T07:33:06+02:00May 3rd, 2013|EI Videos, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Do you use Twitter to grow your business?

Using social media has become an essential part of running a business in these connected times. It has always been easier to use FaceBook and YouTube to promote our business but Twitter is now making a huge effort to get small businesses on board to promote and sell whist building customer loyalty.

This short video released this week by Twitter will give you some tips and tools to do just that:

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00April 2nd, 2013|Business Resources, Social Media|0 Comments

Getting Around the Spam Filters

Have you ever wondered why your emails never get delivered or opened? Could it be due to the high amount of Spam alerts that they create? Even if you are sending out genuine legitimate emails with real business information, they may still be classified as spam. Here are a few hints to watch out for:

Make sure your email subjects have good call to actions that do not use any of the Spam words listed below.

Start emails to the person’s name. So not use, Hi all or Hello

Use your own name and email as the From address not Undisclosed Recipients

Cut down on the amount of Images in relation to the volume of text

Reduce or eliminate the use of the following Spam words:

Free, Instant access, one time offer, cancel at any time, give away, signup for free, this is not spam, instant cure, click here, compare our prices, earn more here, easy income.

The list goes on and on but you should see the trend here. For a complete list read this article by Hubspot. The more you try to manipulate your customers into buying stuff online without first building up a high level of trust, the more you will be pushed away. Not only by spam filters but by potential clients as well.

Try different email subjects on different days and times. See what best works for your clients and what gets the best open rate. The experts will tell you that an email send out on a Tuesday at 09:30 is the best time, but try it for yourself and your customers and then stick to a schedule that everyone can rely on.

By |2016-11-01T10:20:44+02:00March 18th, 2013|Business Resources, General, Social Media|0 Comments
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