Does your organisation already have an income generating activity, whether it be charging corporates for your workshops or selling products to the public, but you know it is not performing as well as it could? You know you have something good to offer, yet you’re unsure how to market it? The business was going well, however, recently income has plateaued. You know you need to approach sales with a business mindset, but at the moment income generation is just an incidental, insignificant income that happens when someone else approaches you.  

Does any of the above sound like you? 

The Business Review & Improvement service is made up of 3 components: 

  1. Business Definition & Review – establish all required information regarding the non-profit organisation
  2. Business Improvement Plan – co-create a comprehensive strategy of improvement to be undertaken for each targeted area
  3. Implementation Support – assistence in implementing the necessary changes by providing, coaching connections & templates

Based on information provided in an initial call, we will prepare a proposal for the Business Definition & Review step. The quoted amount will depend on the scope and complexity of the income generating activity. Once the first step is completed a proposal for the Business Improvement Plan step will be prepared based on the recommendations identified in the Business Definition & Review stage. Costing for the Implementation Support will depend on the amount of support required is agreed with the organisation.  

To download a full brochure on Businss Review, please complete the form below and SUBMIT.

EM Solutions’ Business Review & Improvement service offering establishes the opportunities for improvement in your business model, strategy and implementation, to increase scope, impact and profitability of your income generating activity.  

NPO Assessment