Non-Profit Strategic Mini Self-Assessment

Below are 10 statements relating to strategy within a non-profit organisation.

Choose either YES or NO response that is most applicable to your organisation.

1. We have an up-to-date document detailing our core values. (YES / NO)

2. We have a fully understood strategic plan for the next 3-5 years. (YES / NO)

3. We have a clearly documented theory of change. (YES / NO)

4. Our programme activities are regularly reviewed. (YES / NO)

5. Our team frequently talk about the sustainability of the organisation. (YES / NO)

6. We have a clearly documented, proactive fundraising strategy. (YES / NO)

7. Our organisational structure aligns with our strategy. (YES / NO)

8. We have an appropriate business model for our type of organisation. (YES / NO)

9. We have a clearly documented sustainability plan. (YES / NO)

10. We have appropriate income generation activities. (YES / NO)

To download our comprehensive Assessment Document and Score Card:  Click here

How did you Score?

Total up your ‘YES’ answers to determine your total score.

Below 5

  • You are passionate about your cause.
  • Chances are good that you are just about breaking even each year.
  • You need to take the time to do deep thinking and writing to gain clarity.

Between 5 and 8

  • You have a clear idea of who you are and what you do
  • Your organisation has a plan of action that you refer to keep you on the right track.
  • You have put some structures in place to reflect, review and plan.

Above 8

  • Your organisation is a superstar who has it all together.
  • You have well thought out strategies for the growth and sustainability of your organisation.
  • You have a clear vision and a clear plan to achieve it.

If you would like support in improving your organisation’s strategic thinking and documentation, contact our NPO Strategy Team to set up a meeting to discuss your challenges and the support that EM Solutions can provide.